Enhancing Students Concept Mastery through Integrative Active Learning Models of Momentum and Impulse


  • Maria Ulfa Agustin Universitas Negeri Malang
  • Lia Yuliati Universitas Negeri Malang
  • Nuril Munfaridah Universitas Negeri Malang




concept mastery, high school students, integrative active learning model, momentum and impulse


Students' low concept mastery of Momentum and Impulse leads to difficulties applying these concepts in everyday life. Solutions are needed to address these challenges and enhance students' concept masteryof Momentum and Impulse. Integrating phenomena into active learning is crucial for improving students' concept mastery. This research aims to enhance students' understanding of Momentum and Impulse through an integrative active learning model. An experimental study with a one-group pretest-posttest design was conducted on 30 grade 11 students. The results showed that technology-based active-integrative learning effectively increased students' concept mastery of Momentum and Impulse concepts, particularly within the medium category. Students' understanding at higher levels (levels 2 and 3) also saw significant improvement. Therefore, adopting technology-based active-integrative learning is a vital step in this direction.


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How to Cite

Agustin, M. U., Yuliati, L., & Munfaridah, N. (2024). Enhancing Students Concept Mastery through Integrative Active Learning Models of Momentum and Impulse . Kasuari: Physics Education Journal (KPEJ), 7(2), 342–350. https://doi.org/10.37891/kpej.v7i2.677