
  • Fawawi: English Education Journal

    Initially inspired by the lack of TEFL research publication in Papuan setting,  Fawawi (meaning knowledge in Biak language) journal is established as an open forum to share information and knowledge about current TEFL/TESL research development, not only in Papua but also in Indonesia and any other EFL/ESL countries in the world. The main TEFL/TESL scopes covered in this journal are teaching methods, curriculum issues, testing and assessment and other foreign language learning. Supported by editorial board members from TEFL/TESL experts from several leading universities in Indonesia as well as some prominent TEFL/TESL experts from Australia and Philippines, this journal is confidently aimed to serve as a trusted source regarding the development of EFL/ESL studies.

  • Arfak Chem: Chemistry Education Journal

    Arfak Chem: Chemistry Education Journal is a scientific journal published by the Chemistry Education Department, Universitas Papua. This journal is published two times a year, in June and December. This journal publishes articles related to the application of chemistry, such as education, technology, development, science-based chemical evaluation, human resources, and exploring aspects of chemistry. In addition, this journal publishes original research results in pure chemistry, along with their application themes. In pure chemistry, we raise research results that examine problems related to classical chemistry, namely inorganic, organic, biochemistry, physical, and analytical chemistry.

    Journal Description

    Journal title  : Arfak Chem: Chemistry Education Journal
    Initials  : ACCEJ
    Abbreviation  : Arfak Chem. Educ. J.
    Frequency  : 2 issues per year (June and December)
    Prefiks DOI  : 10.30862
    Print ISSN  : 2615-627X 
    Online ISSN  : 2615-6288
    Editor In Chief  : Achmad Rante Suparman
    Managing Editor  : Murtihapsari
    Publisher  : Universitas Papua 
    Citation Analysis  : Google Scholar | Sinta | Garuda | Dimensions


    Editorial Address:

    Department of Chemistry Education, Universitas Papua
    Gunung Salju Amban Street, Manokwari, Papua Barat 98314


  • Inornatus: Biology Education Journal


    Journal title Inornatus: Biology Education Journal
    Initials IBEJ
    Abbreviation Inornatus Biol. Educ. J.
    Frequency 2 issues per year (May and November)
    DOI prefix 10.30862 by Crossref
    Print ISSN 2615-8310
    Online ISSN 2615-8329
    Editor-in-chief Insar Damopolii
    Managing Editor Silvia Hanna Kusuma Sirait
    Publisher Universitas Papua
    Citation Analysis Garuda | Google Scholar |
  • Journal of Honai Math

    Journal of Honai Math is a peer-reviewed open-access journal published by Universitas Papua in collaboration with the Indonesian Mathematics Educators Society (I-MES) in AprilAugust, and December. The journal surveys, discusses, and builds upon current research and theoretical-based perspectives in mathematics education. In addition, it targets readers from around the world in mathematics education research who are interested in recent developments in the field.

    The Journal publishes articles focusing on theoretical, pedagogical, methodological, and philosophical topics related to mathematics education across all levels of education and vocations, both formal and informal. All articles should address the central issues in terms of relevance across educational systems and be informed by broader field thinking. By 2022, all submitted papers must be written in English for the initial review stage by selected members from the editorial board as well as an external review by invited experts.

    Journal Description

    Journal title  : Journal of Honai Math
    Initials  : JHM
    Abbreviation  : J. Honai Math.
    Frequency  : 3 issues per year (April, August, and December)
    Prefiks DOI  : 10.30862
    Print ISSN  : 2615-2185
    Online ISSN  : 2615-2193
    Editor In Chief  : Benidiktus Tanujaya
    Managing Editor  : Jeinne Mumu
    Publisher  : Universitas Papua in collaboration with Indonesian Mathematics Educators Society (MoU)
    Citation Analysis  : Scopus | Google Scholar | Sinta | Dimensions


  • Kasuari: Physics Education Journal (KPEJ)

    Kasuari: Physics Education Journal (KPEJ) is a peer-reviewed open access journal and aims to provide a forum for researchers, lecturer, educational practitioners and University student on all topics related to physics education. The journal provides forum for the sharing, dissemination and discussion of research, experience and perspectives across a wide physics learning include: development of instruments of evaluation physics, development of instructional media physics, the development of learning model of physics, and Quasi-Experiment. Kasuari: Physics Education Journal (KPEJ) published comprehensive research articles and reviews by leading experts in the field. Selected articles, which has a high scientific achievement, provide important new knowledge, and high benefits to society of physics and physics education. The Journal was first published in 2018 and regularly published twice per year in June and December.

    Editorial Address:

    Jurusan Pendidikan Fisika, Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan, Universitas Papua, Jalan Gunung Salju, Amban, Manokwari Papua Barat 98314, Web:, Email: or