Kasuari: Physics Education Journal (KPEJ)

Kasuari: Physics Education Journal (KPEJ) is a peer-reviewed open access journal and aims to provide a forum for researchers, lecturer, educational practitioners and University student on all topics related to physics education. The journal provides forum for the sharing, dissemination and discussion of research, experience and perspectives across a wide physics learning include: development of instruments of evaluation physics, development of instructional media physics, the development of learning model of physics, and Quasi-Experiment. Kasuari: Physics Education Journal (KPEJ) published comprehensive research articles and reviews by leading experts in the field. Selected articles, which has a high scientific achievement, provide important new knowledge, and high benefits to society of physics and physics education. The Journal was first published in 2018 and regularly published twice per year in June and December.

Editorial Address:

Jurusan Pendidikan Fisika, Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan, Universitas Papua, Jalan Gunung Salju, Amban, Manokwari Papua Barat 98314, Web: http://journalfkipunipa.org/index.php/kpej/index, Email: kasuari.kpej@gmail.com or kasuari.kpej@unipa.ac.id

Journal Homepage Image

Journal titleKasuari: Physics Education Journal (KPEJ)
AbbreviationKasuari Physics Edu. J.
Frequency2 issues per year (June and December)
DOIprefix 10.37891 by
Print ISSN2615-2681
Online ISSN2615-2673
Editor-in-chiefIrfan Yusuf
Managing EditorSri Wahyu Widyaningsih
PublisherUniversitas Papua
Citation AnalysisGaruda | Google Scholar | Dimensions



Call for Paper


Kasuari: Physics Education Journal (KPEJ) 

Publish on Next Issue

Vol. 7 No. 1: June 2024

Vol. 7 No. 2: December 2024

Posted: 2023-12-26
More Announcements...

Vol 7, No 1 (2024): Forthcoming Issue

All titles listed in this section have been accepted for publication in the upcoming edition.

Table of Contents


Yudi Kurniawan, Connie Connie, Nirwana Nirwana
10.37891/kpej.v7i1.407 Views of Abstract: 173 | PDF: 59
Desy Eka Muliani, Khairul Azmi, Mutia Alius, Agnes Sulvayenti, Lona Amelia
10.37891/kpej.v7i1.484 Views of Abstract: 106 | PDF: 12
Zulfa Salsabila, Muhammad Sholeh, Nurul Fitriyah Sulaeman, M Junus, Atin Nuryadin
10.37891/kpej.v7i1.505 Views of Abstract: 80 | PDF: 8
Jodi Aszhar, Iwan Setiawan, Rosane Medriati
10.37891/kpej.v7i1.485 Views of Abstract: 62 | PDF: 2
Diana Meitasari, Ketang Wiyono
10.37891/kpej.v7i1.507 Views of Abstract: 156 | PDF: 11
Nani Sri Rezeki, Andre Agachi Purba, Ika Trisni Simangunsong
10.37891/kpej.v7i1.488 Views of Abstract: 73 | PDF: 13