The Effect of TGT Cooperative Learning on Student Learning Achievement Physics Class XI SMAN 1 Tugumulyo

Eka Maryam


This study aims to determine the achievement of physics learning using Teams Games
Tournaments (TGT) model and find out an increase or gainscore between experimental classes using Team
Games Tournamens model with control class using whiteboard. Conducting research in SMAN 1
Tugumulyo with sample 48 students, consisting of 25 students class XIA1 as experiment class and 23
students X1 A2 as control class. The type of this research is quasi experimental design. The data collection
technique used is objective test. The statistical prestation test (t-test) used in this research is homogeneous
test and normality data test. The results showed that: 1) the experimental class experienced an increase in
learning achievement between before and after using TGT model, 2) the increase or gainscore in the
experimental class is 5,0 and the gain score of the control class is 4,24. So it can be concluded TGT model
can affect student achievement.


TGT model, learning achievement

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