Development of Physics Modules Based on Inquiry in Business and Energy Subjects

Ovilia Putri Utami Gumay, Tri Ariani, Gita Aprilya Putri


This research aims to develop an inquiry-based physich module on the subject of Effort and Energy and produce inquiry-based physics module on the subject of Effort and Energy which are valid, practical, and effective. The population of this study were all students of class X by using purosive sampling technique (subjects were taken according to the needs of researchers). Data collection were carried out using the instrument module technique, observation sheets, documentation and questionnaires. The development of this research uses the Dick and Carey model with 10 stages. Module validity was obtained from the results of expert validators namely material experts with a percentage of 81.94% in the excellent category, media experts with a percentage of 87.49% in the excellent category, and linguists with a percentage of 75.00% in the good category. The practicality of the module reached 87.07% with the category of strongly agree. The effectiveness of the module obtained by the results of the test students reached 78.64%. Teh results of the study found that Ha is accepted and Ho is rejected. So that inquiry-based modules can be said to be valid, practical and effective.


Modules, Inquiry Model, Research and Development

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